Wedding Loans

Before You Look for Sources to Fund Your Wedding Expenses

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Planning your wedding ceremony could be a once in a lifetime experience. From wedding venue to food, to decoration, to music, to photography, each part of the celebration is worth paying attention to. The entire process could be much engaging and exhausting for some couples.

One of the most vital aspects of wedding planning constitutes of finances. While the cost of wedding ceremonies is limitless today so are the funding resources. You must always have your budget in place before beginning shopping for the wedding. It helps you map out the underlying cost of all types of expenses much in advance. The precise estimation of costs also saves you from last-minute glitch or confusion.

Here is a quick rundown of several wedding expenses

Wedding and Reception Venue (£5000- £10000)

Wedding venues can range from the ancient church to Exotic Hawaii beach; you need to shortlist a destination before you make the list. If you are on a budget make sure you do not choose a very expensive or far distant location for a wedding.

Have a clear headcount and look for the venue accordingly. You can precisely save hundreds of pound by booking a date in advance. Yes, there are dates when you can get a cheaper reservation for the venue. You can also save further by planning a DIY wedding reception in your garden or backyard.

Catering: Food, water and drinks (£1,000)

Advance bookings always help you browse and compare prices. You can use referrals from friends or contact a professional to slash the costs.

Cake, Photography/video and Music £1,000+

Always book a cake from an experienced wedding baker. You must plan a wedding cake in advance and spare up to £300 for it. Do not forget to taste the chosen cake before the final order.

To capture the moments, you need to ensure a perfect photographer for the event. A lot of couples, however, are replacing professional photography by DIY with the help of a cousin or friend using their DSLR camera. This can save you £500-£700 approximately.

As for music and entertainment, let the guests drool with the best numbers. Music can make the event memorable for all the visitors. Plan carefully.

The Clothing

This could be one of the major expenses. Apart from the bride to the groom’s dress, do not forget to factor in the cost of headdress, bridesmaids’ and attendants’ outfits, mother-of-the-bride outfit, and shoes for each. You should strictly shop according to your budget. However, the involvement of family need not be entirely restricted but considering the budget could be an amicable way to plan a wedding on a budget.

Jewellery £2,000+

It is said that the round of wedding ring signifies the eternity of a sacred union of the couple. Shopping exclusive wedding rings have emotional reasons attached. Many times, you can find special deals on popular brands online. You can either shop for big brands or opt for customized wedding rings from jewellery studios near you.

Honeymoon £500- £1,000

It is always suggested to keep the honeymoon expenses exclusive of your wedding costs. You do not always need to opt for holiday loans to plan a honeymoon. A lot of countryside beaches or mountainsides can offer a peaceful escape in the lap of nature with your loved one.

Knowing the expenses in advance can help you plan in accordance with your needs.

To apply for a Wedding Loan in the UK with us, Click Here.