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Signs and Symptoms of Money Disorders

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Most people with money disorders aren’t aware they have a problem or that they need help. In general, those who understand their state find changing their behaviour to be difficult. It is challenging for some people to change their behaviours long-term. This results in most of these people refraining from seeking help due to feelings of shame and hiding their behaviours from others.

Money disorders are characterized by the following

Don’t be afraid to seek help if you exhibit any of these behaviours.

Living in denial about financial instability

You may be suffering from one of the most typical money disorders if you live in financial denial. As a result of financial denial, you try your hardest not to think about your money problems, rather than confronting them head-on. In the face of mounting financial difficulties, you bury your head in the sand.

Avoiding the “money talk”

Discussions about money aren’t always easy. Sometimes, however, getting your finances in order means asking for help. You have a problem when you can’t even discuss money with those whom you trust in life, or listen to them when they talk about money. Your refusal to accept responsibility for your actions could mean you are in denial.

You find it hard to pin down a sufficient amount of money

Feeling like you’ll never have enough money is a typical thought that could randomly cross our minds at any given point. However, someone suffering from a money disorder will not only feel as if there isn’t enough, but they will also have difficulty elaborating on their idea of what “enough” is. This may lead to a way in which you control, accumulate, and earn too much, which might clash with your relationships or negatively impact your wellbeing.

Developing an extremely frugal attitude

Neither extreme under-spending nor extreme over-spending is safe. Having a money disorder means denying yourself some freedom to use and enjoy your earnings while actively working toward accumulating savings. You will feel anxious and unhappy if your savings decrease below a certain threshold if you are too tight with your cash.

On the flipside, you spend too much

You may be an impulsive spender if you feel the urge to spend money on self-gratifying purchases. Spending too much money on shopping, travelling, or doing other uncontrollable activities is a sign of this disorder.

Piling on more credit than you can handle

The fact that you use credit cards from time to time is common, and it even helps you build a credit history. However, accumulating debt without paying off what you already owe is a serious problem. Loan and credit card repayments slowly eat into your savings and income. Missed payments also can adversely affect your credit rating for many years, which makes it difficult to rent, secure loans, or complete financial goals.

You encourage “financial enabling”

Financial enabling is a form of money disorder that occurs when parents and adult children, along with friends or other relatives, help each other with money. Giving temporary help to someone is one thing, but allowing someone to ask for financial assistance when they are capable of doing it on their own is something else entirely. Guilt is the most common cause of this disorder. A person with money disorders may sacrifice their financial well-being in order to assist others. It is key that you are able to say no to your closest friends even when they ask you for money.

Taking extreme financial risks

It may be that you suffer from a serious money disorder that can put you in debt and lead to bankruptcy if you are always risking your financial well-being in the pursuit of large, uncertain gains. Those suffering from this condition tend to be drawn to promises of quick riches that rarely materialize.

Being completely risk-averse

Money disorders can also manifest themselves in a fear of taking any investment risks to build your wealth. You may be in this category if you tend to just put money into interest-bearing accounts and tend to avoid investing in property or shares (growth investments).


Not everyone who is fond of shopping or has multiple credit cards suffers from a money disorder. As long as you are able to manage your finances in a healthy way by separating your needs from your wants, you can do what you like with your money. But for those who identify with the disorders above, it is imperative to deal with the emotional aspect of these problems. Therapy sessions or help from a professional financial advisor may take you a long way.